A new iOS 12 concept today gives us a new take on how Apple could advance its mobile operating system. A slick new video shows off design ideas for an always on display, Lock screen complications, group FaceTime calls, a system-wide dark mode and more.
Created by Andrew Vega, Maximos Angelakis, and iupdateos, this concept is beautifully designed and executed and has the tagline “Smarter. Faster. Darker.” Check out the video below for a dynamic look at the imagined changes.
However, the reality is Apple will likely release a much more tame upgrade with iOS 12 at WWDC this year after reports of Apple putting some major iOS features on hold to focus more on reliability and performance.
Regardless, this is a great concept that imagines many features that have long been requested. Check out the video below and the full concept and images here.
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